Cumulative balance
In the Customers and Suppliers forms, a Cumulative Balance option is available through Actions. This allows viewing the balance for a specified period, displaying the cumulative balance for the total previous period in the Balance column.
Import EAN from Excel
On the Add Item form, the option to import EANs from Excel is available through Actions.
Services – posting for a period
In Services >> Documents >> Invoiced Services Overview, mass posting of documents for a specified period is enabled through the Actions option.
Advanced analysis – additional data (notes)
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Sales Analysis (and Advanced Internal Traffic Analysis), a new field called Note has been added. This field enables loading notes that were entered in R/M documents for tracking and analyzing sales and internal movement of goods and materials.
Services – linking invoice and quote
In the Services module, it is possible to link invoices and quotes. This allows you to view the quote on which a particular invoice is based by right-clicking in the invoiced services overview.
Account link and additional analytics
In Settings >> Basic Tables >> Chart of Accounts >> Analytics Setup, it is possible to link accounts with additional analytics through a simple process. This option is available via right-click on a specific account and selecting Additional Analytics.
Expense account overview from journal entry
Through the “View Document” option available in journal entries, it is possible to view the expense account on which the journal entry was based.
Additional price list – item code order change
When creating or modifying additional price lists, changing the order of item codes is now enabled, as well as adding a new code between two existing codes.
Posting salaries and allowances – Main ledger entry
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Salaries and Allowances, a journal entry overview option is available if the payroll has been posted. This option is accessible by right-clicking on the desired payroll.
Commission – Inventory count
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales, a new document type called Commission – Inventory Count has been added. From this document type, a commission cancellation document can be created.
New item – adding price in all price lists
When adding a new item, it is possible to define the sale price for all price lists. The option is available on the Add Item form (Prices tab).
Personal income calculation – Long-term transfer slip overview and printing
In the Personal Income Payroll Overview form, a new feature allows viewing and printing of transfer slips with summary amounts for multiple months. This feature is available through Actions.
Advanced adjustment analysis
In Analysis >> Goods/Material, a new option named Advanced Adjustment Analysis has been added. This option enables a detailed analysis and evaluation of effects produced by adjustments.
Journal entry overview – displaying entry items
In Finance >> Documents >> Entry Overview, the option to display items within entries is available. This option is accessible by clicking on Actions and selecting Show Document Items.
Posting from payroll overview
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Payroll Overview, posting of all types of payroll is enabled. Posting is available by right-clicking on a specific payroll and selecting Post Document.
Journal entry overview – View document (Statements)
On the Journal Entry Overview form, if it concerns a bank statement, it is possible to view and print the statement itself through the View Document option.
Lease agreement entry – gross amount with tax surcharge
When entering a lease agreement, an option to input a defined gross amount with tax surcharge is now available.
Payroll preparation – transfer regular work from contracts
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, a new function named Add Regular Work by Contract is available through Actions, allowing regular work from the employee’s contract to be automatically transferred as an item in payroll preparation, based on the contract’s validity date, which is particularly significant for fixed-term contracts.
Exit posting – income account for item
It is now possible to define a specific account for each individual item where revenue from the sale of that item will be posted. This option is implemented through item details called Revenue Account.
Item details on R/M entry and exit forms
On the R/M Entry and Exit forms, display of details defined for a given item is enabled.
Employee contract overview – Expiration date of the latest contract
In Personal Income >> Reports >> Contract Overview, a new column labeled Expiration Date of Last Contract has been added, which is particularly important for reviewing contracts of employees with multiple fixed-term contracts.
Personal income – Work tenure in the company
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, the total work tenure of an employee in the company as of the review date is available. The column with tenure overview is accessible via middle-click and is labeled Company Tenure.
Advanced sales analysis – Additional price list column
In Advanced Sales Analysis, a field named Additional Price List has been added, allowing the creation of reports on sales by partners linked to a specific additional price list.
Transfer slips – filtered item printing
On the Transfer Slip Print form, printing of only filtered items is enabled.
XML import of financial statements into archive
In Settings >> Data Import >> Financial Statements, importing financial statements from previous years (in XML format) and saving them in the financial statement archive is now possible.
Transfer slips – assign purpose
A new option is available in the area related to transfer slip preparation and printing. Now it is possible to enter the same purpose of payment for all generated transfer slips at once.
Transfer slip for expense accounts
In Finance >> Documents >> Expense Account Overview, transfer slip printing for expense accounts is enabled (right-click >> Transfer Slip).
DMS – adding multiple files
Simultaneous addition of multiple files within the DMS is enabled.
Payroll preparation – bonus loading
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, bonuses assigned to employees in the solution record (Employee form, Solutions tab) can be loaded. This option is available through Actions and applies to loading bonuses that are “Net Fixed” type.
Contract agreements – printing transfer slips from payroll overview
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Payroll Overview, it is now possible to generate transfer slips for printing for all individuals from the other income payroll overview (contracts for work, lease agreements, committee member allowances, etc.).
Price adjustment – margin info
When creating price adjustments, margin percentage information for the new price is now displayed.
Transfer – import from Excel
Import of transfer documents from an Excel file is available through the Actions button on the Transfer form.
Posting expenses and services
Posting of expense and service accounts is enabled directly from the document overview. Right-click on a document in the overview to access the Post Document option.
Accounting policy printing
In Settings >> Forms, an item named Accounting Policies has been added, allowing review and printing of accounting policies.
Inventory for period – previous balance
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List (for a Period), a column showing the previous item balance has been added.
RM Write-off for MPM case
Automatic posting of a write-off document is enabled for work units of the type “Retail – MP Model.”
Entry – item search on F3
On the Goods/Material – Entry form, a column showing the last purchase price of the item has been added when searching items using the F3 key.
Loan agreement printing
Loan agreements can now be printed from the loan agreements record.
Adding discounts for partners – Import from Excel
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Discounts by Partner and Item, it is possible to add discounts by item for partners, importing from an Excel file.
Item modification (code replacement)
When entering data from incoming documents, it is possible to change the order of items. Right-click on an item >> Replace Item.
Inventory – price changes and creating adjustments
On the Inventory List form, it is possible to enter new item prices and automatically create adjustments. Through Actions, the functionalities named Price Change and Save Price Changes are available for making price changes and creating adjustments.
Occupations – additions and modifications
In Personal Income >> Records >> Occupations, it is possible to add, change, and delete occupations.
Expense account entry – supplier credit notes
On the Expense Account Entry form, the entry and automatic posting of supplier credit notes are enabled.
Expense account entry form – adding DMS file during account entry
When entering expense accounts in Finance >> Documents >> Posting Expense Accounts, it is possible to add a file related to the given expense account in the DMS.
Journal entry – option to input cost code for entry items
A new option has been added to the Journal Entry form, enabling automatic cost code entry for all journal items where accounts have cost code analytics. The cost code for a particular account is defined in Settings >> Basic Tables >> Cost Codes and Cost Code Holder – Account.
Personal income – employee tenure in the company
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, within the employee data view form (Employment tab), information about the employee’s tenure in the company is available.
Journal entry – adding a note
While posting a journal entry, it is possible to add a note. By right-clicking on a specific entry item, a Note option is available, allowing additional information to be entered.
Mass sending of OPD2 via email
Mass sending of OPD2 forms via email to employees is enabled. This option is available when generating OPD2 in Personal Income >> Reports.
Detailed view in basic and comparative price lists
In Goods/Material >> Reports, within the Price List and Comparative Price List forms, detailed item views are enabled.
Customer order realization to delivery note
It is possible to create a delivery note directly from a previously created customer order document. This option is available in the R/M documents overview.
Creating an offer from inventory
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, through Actions (select Create Offer), it is possible to create an offer from the inventory list for filtered items. Selecting Create Offer will generate an offer document with filtered items and a quantity of one for all items.
Customer order – import from txt file
In the Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales >> Customer Order section, it is possible to load customer orders from a txt file through Actions.
Import employees from Excel
In the Settings >> Data Import section, an option titled Employees has been added, enabling the import of employee data from Excel.
Import partners from Excel
In the Settings >> Data Import section, an option titled Partners has been added, enabling the import of partner data from Excel.
Invoice import for partners and employees
In the Settings >> Data Import section, options titled Partners – Bank Accounts and Employees – Bank Accounts have been added, enabling the import of bank accounts for partners and employees from Excel.
Option to copy invoice or quote from service overview
The program allows copying service-related invoice or quotation documents. This option is available in the Invoice or Quotation Overview in the Services module.
Consumable item – cost account link during RM entry posting
A new functionality allows defining cost accounts for posting items entered during calculation processing that represent consumables. This functionality can be performed through the item detail named Cost Account, where the desired cost account for the item is defined.
RM document copying option
The program allows copying documents such as offers, supplier orders, customer orders, and inventory processing documents. The option to copy these documents is available in Goods/Material >> Document Overview by right-clicking the desired document.
Partner entry on RM forms, partner and location search
When selecting a partner in RM forms, searching by the partner’s object name is enabled. This functionality is particularly useful for partners with multiple objects under different names.
Write-off by goods receipt – automatic creation
In the Goods/Material >> Document Overview section, automatic creation of write-offs based on goods receipts is enabled. By right-clicking the desired receipt document in the RM document overview, the option to create a write-off is available. The write-off document is created based on data from the goods receipt – purchase and sales prices, as well as auxiliary quantities (quantity after calibration).
Employee overview – default template
In the Personal Income >> Records >> Employees section, setting a default template is enabled. After creating a template, it can be set as the default. This option can be executed by selecting Load Template, then right-clicking the desired template in the list and choosing to set it as the default template.
Overview and printing of saved VAT returns
In the Finance >> Calculations >> KUF, KIF, and VAT Return section, a new tab called VAT Return has been added. This section displays an overview of VAT returns with information on whether the return is posted, as well as options for printing the return, generating it in XML format, and deleting the return if it is not posted.
Additional price lists in basic price list function
A new functionality allows linking additional price lists to work units. Thus, an additional price list serves as the main price list for the work unit. In the Additional Price List form, two new actions – Load Prices from Linked Work Units and Transfer Prices to Main Price Lists – have been added. These options allow easily converting an additional price list into the main price list for the given work unit.
RM Import, Customer Return, and Credit Note for customer
In the Goods/Material >> Data Transfer >> Excel – Import section, options named Customer Return and Customer Credit Note have been added. These options enable importing customer return documents or customer credit notes from an Excel file.
Work time record report, by employees
In the Personal Income >> Records >> Work Time Records section, through the Reports option, it is possible to view work time records by specific work types. The view can be loaded by duration (hours) and dates (e.g., vacation dates).
Supplier order proposal
In the Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt section, a new item called Supplier Order Proposal has been added. This option allows for creating supplier orders or internal requisitions. Based on various models that consolidate item data (sales plan, sales during the period, average daily sales, last sale, number of days without stock, minimum, maximum, optimal stock levels, etc.), the program generates proposals for orders or requisitions.
Trial balance – analysis, new columns, percentage share
In the Finance >> Reports >> Trial Balance – Analysis section, new columns allow for reviewing and analyzing data on the percentage share of balance sheet items by columns and rows. These columns provide quick and easy access to important business data (revenue and expense structure by type, time of occurrence, etc.).
Periodic billing of delivery notes – group by location and group by payment type
In the Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales >> Periodic Delivery Note Invoicing section, two new options – Group by Object and Group by Payment Type – have been added. This allows creating invoices from delivery notes that relate only to a specific object or payment type.
Import journal entry items from Excel
When manually creating a journal entry, it is possible to import journal entry items from an Excel file. Before importing items from Excel, basic journal entry data (item type, document number, reference number, and account) must be completed. After that, items can be loaded from the Excel file by clicking the XLS option in the upper right corner of the form. The Excel file must be formatted correctly (exact column order) to be used for data entry in the journal entry.
Inventory list – RMLagerMarza parameter
In the Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List section, it is possible to enter the desired margin percentage, after which the sales prices for that margin percentage will be displayed.
Service charges and monthly billing
In the Services >> Contracts >> Periodic Invoicing section, a new functionality allows for the automatic creation and invoicing of charges for a large number of partners, based on relevant data that determines the charge amount (consumption, area, etc.). By selecting Charge Records in the periodic invoicing form, a form for recording charges (manual or automatic) opens, and the Invoicing option on this form allows invoicing of recorded charges.
Statement posting form – assign analytics value to all items for selected analytics
In the form for automatic journal entry posting, there is an option to assign an analytical value to a selected analytical account for all journal entries. This function can be executed by checking the Assign to All Entries option located in the form for selecting the value of the analytical account.
Advanced procurement analysis – item details
In the Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Procurement Analysis section, it is possible to load data on item details.
Advance, reversal, RM exit invoice posting
When creating an RM Exit document, if multiple related advances are being reversed, each advance reversal entry will be displayed individually in the journal entry.
Advanced sales analysis – realized and planned value
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Sales Analysis, new columns have been added that allow monitoring of defined sales plan realizations from a financial perspective.
Sales overview – item detail loading
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Sales Overview, it is possible to load item details.
Employees – solutions, detail loading
In the Personal Income >> Records, Solutions – Details section, it is now possible to enter details for various types of solutions. The value of the detail for a given solution can be entered when adding that solution (Employee >> Solutions >> Add >> Other Solutions).
Advanced sales analysis – Sales + Return + Plan
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Sales Analysis, the option to select Invoice + Return + Plan as a document type has been added. This option is important when analyzing the success of defined plan realizations.
Salaries and allowances – report adjustment for total payable
In payroll reports, salary allowances, and all types of other income, changes have been made to the section relating to payroll recapitulation. Data on total taxes and contributions, total net amount, and total amount for payment are shown as separate items.
Salaries and allowances – total printing – Net and deductions
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Salaries and Allowances, through the Print option, it is now possible to print payroll calculations for net salaries and allowances, reduced by deductions.
Item search on F3 – item group display
In the item search form used when creating entry and exit documents (F3 key), a column displaying the item group has been added.
Employee, Employment tab – tenure
In the Personal Income >> Records >> Employees section, in the Employment section of the employee overview form, the Years of Service column has been renamed to Previous Years of Service. This column now displays not only the number of years but also the months and days of previous service.
Statement posting form – partner matching by ID number
In automatic statement posting, it is now possible to recognize a partner by their registration number if it is included in the payment reference.
Deduction overview by partner for the month
In Personal Income >> Reports, an option named Deduction Specification by Partner has been added. This option provides a summary overview of deductions grouped by partner and payment account.
Manual calculation (payroll preparation) – percentage-based bonus
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, during manual payroll preparation, it is possible to enter a bonus percentage. The entered bonus percentage applies to all types of earnings except allowances.
Inventory count by warehouse – Effect
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Calculation >> Inventory >> Material Inventory – Warehouse, a column named Effect has been added. This column shows the difference between the warehouse inventory and the recorded inventory of goods.
Journal entry overview – additional information
In Finance >> Documents >> Posting Overview, it is possible to load two additional columns that display information about the operator who made the posting change and the time the change was made.
Advanced sales analysis – partner groups
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Sales Analysis, it is possible to view data and create reports on sales by partner groups.
Sales plan, procurement plan – load from Excel
In Settings >> Data Import, options for Purchase Plan and Sales Plan have been added. Through these options, it is possible to load purchase and sales plans from Excel files into the program.
Advanced payroll overview – added cost code linked to employee
In Personal Income >> Reports >> Advanced Payroll Overview, a cost code linked to the employee has been added as an additional category for filtering and grouping data.
Analytics overview in journal entry
When printing the posting document, an additional column is displayed on the document that contains an overview of the analytics by accounts.
Expense invoice posting – cash payment and liability closure
In Finance >> Documents >> Expense Invoice Posting, an option for automatic closure of obligations on cash-paid invoices has been added.
New document types – AVR and PVR
Two new document types have been added: AVR (active deferred revenues) and PVR (passive deferred expenses).
Deduction entry – additional info fields, number of installments, and total value
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, when adding deductions for employees, two new fields have been added to display the number of installments and the total value of the deduction.
Contract description in trial balance analysis
In Finance >> Records >> Contracts >> New Contract, when entering data for a new contract, it is possible to enter a specific description related to that contract through the Description option. The description entered in this part of the program is available in Finance >> Reports >> Trial Balance – Analysis as one of the categories for performing analysis and generating reports.
RM forms – enabled quantity entry via conversion
On most goods/material forms, quantity entry through conversion is enabled. The quantity entry via conversion option is available by pressing the F2 key or * during quantity entry.
Item addition – parameter for defining default type, unit of measure, and VAT rate
Adding items is now simplified with a parameter that defines default values for type, unit of measure, and VAT rate, which will be automatically populated when entering new items.
Default analytics value for account in manual posting
The new option in the program allows defining analytical values by accounts that will automatically load during manual posting. Default analytics are defined in Settings >> Basic Tables >> Chart of Accounts >> Account Overview, and then by double-clicking on the desired account, we open a form where we select the Default Analytics option and define the values for those analytics.
Automatic statement posting – save data (accounts and analytics) option
In the Automatic Statement Posting form, a Save option allows saving entered data (accounts, analytics, descriptions). This enables data entry for automatic statement posting to be completed in stages, preserving previously entered data.
Automatic statement posting – search history by user account
In the Automatic Statement Posting form, searching transaction history by customer account is enabled. The search includes basic transaction data (statement number and date, bank, account, inflow, outflow, customer name, transfer purpose, charge number, approval number).
Detail loading in advanced sales analysis
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Sales Analysis, loading defined item details and analyzing sales by item details is enabled.
Receivable check outside due date for partner selection and invoice creation restriction
Activating the RMIzlazBlockOutsideCurrency parameter prompts the program to check the amount of outstanding currency debt with a partner when creating exit documents, comparing it with the partner’s defined credit limit. If the outstanding debt exceeds the defined limit, an exit document cannot be created for that partner.
Bank account transactions, foreign accounts
In Finance >> Reports >> Bank Account Transactions, transaction views are now available for foreign currency accounts in addition to current accounts.
Journal entry – option to copy analytics from selected item to other items
In the journal entry, it is now possible to copy analytic values from a selected journal item to all other items in the entry with that analytic. This can be performed by right-clicking on the selected journal item and choosing Copy Analytics.
Abacus calculator
The Abacus Calculator is available within the program and can be launched from the bottom-right corner of the main screen.
Unit-based adjustment, price change for specific item group
A new functionality allows creating price adjustments for a selected group of items within specific work units, available in the Goods/Material program section.
Finance, privilege for one or more business centers
The program enables privileges to be assigned by business center, allowing division of business segments within one company. Operators can be granted privileges to operate within specific business centers, without access to data related to other centers.
RM Entry, parameter for blocking input and sales price changes
Activating the RMEntryDisableSalesPrice parameter prohibits the entry and modification of item sales prices when creating entry documents, which will apply in all cases (e.g., when the item is not in stock or has a price of zero).
Contract and installment entry – new column “Payment note”
In Services >> Contracts >> Contract Invoicing, when entering data for a new contract, a Payment Note column allows free-text notes. Notes entered here will be displayed on the invoice.
IOPPD overview for period
In Personal Income >> Reports >> IOPPD – Overview, an IOPPD overview for a specific period is available in grid view.
Quick inventory for multiple work units, enabled for different work unit types
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, the Quick Inventory option now allows loading item quantity status for multiple work units simultaneously, regardless of the work unit type.
Exit and sale exit form – auxiliary quantity entry
When creating an Exit document in the R/M section of the program, entering an auxiliary quantity for the item is enabled (parameter RMIzlazKolPom). After entering the document item, an auxiliary quantity is directly entered into the Aux. Qty column. Auxiliary quantities typically apply to items measured in kilograms, where the invoice also needs to display the number of units.
Properties – automatic display of entry form
If the RMItemsAttributesRequired parameter is activated, upon entering item codes in RM documents, a form for entering item attributes will be displayed immediately.
Item detail overview, loading from R/M document
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Item Details Overview, loading items from the goods/material document is now possible. This function is particularly important when procuring new items or items the user has not previously acquired.
Updating prices in additional price list from Excel file
Updating prices in the price list from an Excel file is now available for additional price lists. This option can be performed in Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Additional Price Lists, through Actions.
Entry overview – copy entry option
In Finance >> Documents >> Journal Overview, copying finance journal entries with all defined analytics is enabled.
Contract realization overview
In Finance >> Reports, an option named Contract Realization Overview has been added. This option provides an overview and monitoring of contract realization with all relevant information.
Financial entry – save changes option
In Finance >> Documents >> Journal Posting, a new functionality for saving changes or items entered in a journal without finalizing it has been added. This reduces the risk of losing entered items during manual posting, especially important when posting journals with a large number of items.
Contract records, annexes
In Finance >> Records >> Contracts, adding contract amendments is enabled.
Item details import from Excel file
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Item Details Overview, importing details from an Excel file is now possible, significantly speeding up and simplifying the process of assigning details to items.
Installment posting in Customer Charge/Discharge
In Goods/Material >> Customer Charges and Settlements, reviewing customer charges recorded as installments during the creation of outgoing invoices is enabled. Recorded installments must be posted in Goods/Material >> Document Overview (option Post Installments) to be visible as charges in the customer charge and settlement overview. This functionality is available only for outgoing invoices with deferred payment.
Payroll preparation – work hours correction option for regular work
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, through Actions, an option for checking and correcting regular work hours has been added. Selecting Check and Correct Regular Work, the program checks and corrects regular work hours if necessary, ensuring accuracy in work hour entries.
M4 TXT file generation
In Personal Income >> Reports >> M4, generating the M4 form in TXT format is now available, which is especially significant for users with a large number of employees.
Services – new form for contract entry with installments
In Services >> Contracts >> Contract Invoicing, a new form with a new method for entering contracts has been developed. Contracts can be entered with detailed information, defining all items related to installments that will be used for invoicing.
Services – installment overview by due date
In Services >> Contracts >> Contract Invoicing, a Due Date Overview option has been added. This option allows for a review of all installments due within a specified time period, displaying all relevant data related to the due installments (contract, installment number, due date, amount).
Payroll, bank lists
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Salaries and Allowances, through the Print option, printing an employee list, which is submitted to the business bank, is enabled. The list contains all necessary information on employee salaries and is formatted according to bank requirements. Besides the salary list, the program automatically generates transfer slips with summarized net salary amounts that employees will receive in specific banks.
Import fixed assets and starting balance from Excel
In Settings >> Data Import, importing initial balances and fixed assets from an Excel file is now possible, allowing new users to quickly enter their data into the program and continue business operations without interruption.
Stamp record
In Finance >> Records, a segment titled Stamp Record has been added. This segment provides an easy process for recording, reviewing, and controlling tax stamps issued by the Tax Administration of Montenegro.
Import multiple invoices from Excel file
In Goods/Material >> Data Transfer >> Excel – Import, importing multiple invoices from a single Excel file is enabled. The ability to import multiple invoices, both incoming and outgoing, from one Excel file significantly saves time and simplifies the bookkeeping of business transactions.
Deduction overview, calculated data
In Personal Income >> Reports >> Deductions Overview, an option to load additional data related to employee deductions has been added. Loading additional data provides comprehensive information regarding deductions (total installments, calculated and remaining installments, calculated and remaining amounts).
Entry overview – types for period only
In Finance >> Documents >> Journal Overview, in the document type selection list, only document types created within the specified time interval are now displayed, simplifying the overview for users.
XML file export from finance entry overview
In Finance >> Documents >> Journal Overview, an option for exporting finance journal entries in XML format has been added.
Issue note creation from inventory
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, through Actions, creating a warehouse issue document from inventory is enabled.
Write-off creation from inventory
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, through Actions, creating a warehouse write-off document is enabled.
Document overview
In Goods/Material >> Document Overview, in the document type selection list, only document types created within the specified time interval are displayed instead of all document types, simplifying the overview for users.
Dependent procurement costs, option on goods receipt
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Goods Receipt – Entry, a field for entering dependent procurement costs has been added. Dependent procurement costs can be entered as a percentage of the procurement value or as an absolute amount, and the program calculates the entered amount as a percentage.
Customer charge – new document
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales, a new document type named Customer Charge Document has been added.
Email sending to multiple partners
In the Partner Overview form, using the Contacts option, it is now possible to send emails to business partners. This functionality is significant as it allows sending notifications with the same content to multiple or specific clients directly from the program.
Discount restriction by item
In the Items Overview form, a Block Discount option is available. Selecting this option will prevent any discount from being applied to the item during sales.
Partner overview, Identi
In Settings >> Partners, on the individual partner entry and overview form, a segment called Identities has been added. This segment is used to enter and view the partner’s identification data.
Contract status – employee
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, a column containing information about the employee’s contract status (active, inactive, passive) is added on the employee overview form.
Creating transfer slip for deductions, summary by partner
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Salaries and Allowances, through the Print option, creating transfer slips for deductions, summarized by partner, is enabled. If the Summarized Deductions option is selected on the partner overview form, a single transfer slip with a summarized deduction amount will be created for the given partner when generating transfer slips from payroll deductions.
Finance, additional analytics
In Finance >> Records, entering additional analytics and defining their values is enabled. Additional analytics can be entered during journal entry posting and can be used for reviewing and analyzing similar to regular analytics.
Displaying properties on item card
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Item Card, displaying defined item properties on the item card is enabled.
Item search – EAN (Barcode)
On the items form and when searching for items (during document creation), item search by EANs is enabled. Besides basic EANs, additional EANs can also be used for searching.
Manual calculation, parameter for payroll deductions
During manual payroll calculation, a parameter allows applying the deduction percentage to allowance amounts, in addition to the previous possibility of applying the deduction percentage only to wage amounts.
Employee solutions overview
In Personal Income >> Reports, a new option called Solution Overview has been added. This option enables viewing all employee solutions, with all relevant information related to the solutions.
Foreign currency statement import and posting, Nova Banka AD Podgorica
Importing and posting foreign currency statements from Nova Banka AD Podgorica is enabled.
Redistribution from entry, item status in selected transfer units
On the item distribution from entry form, item status information in units selected for distribution (i.e., item transfer) is now available.
Invoice or delivery note creation from goods reservation
In Goods/Material >> Document Overview, the option to create an invoice or delivery note from an already created goods reservation document is enabled.
Salaries – Contribution rates, tabular view
In Settings >> Basic Tables >> Salaries and Personnel, an option named Salaries – Contribution Rates has been added, offering a tabular overview of different salary types with corresponding contribution types and rates.
Allowances – Contribution rates, tabular view
In Settings >> Basic Tables >> Salaries and Personnel, an option named Allowances – Contribution Rates has been added, offering a tabular overview of allowances with corresponding contribution types and rates.
Inventory number – prefix and suffix parameter
A parameter in the program can be activated to assign predefined prefixes or suffixes to the inventory numbers of fixed assets, tools, and inventory.
Warehouse option – load prices from inventory count processing
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, through Actions, loading prices from the inventory processing is enabled.
Warehouse option – save price for inventory count
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Inventory List, through Actions, saving prices for creating an inventory count is enabled.
Main ledger overview
The General Ledger view is available in Finance >> Reports >> General Ledger Overview.
Journal entry overview
The Journal Entry Overview is available in Finance >> Reports >> Journal Overview.
Main data check – founders
In Settings >> Basic Data, when entering ownership percentages in the Founders segment, the program checks the sum of ownership percentages. If the total ownership percentage differs from 100%, the program issues a warning and prevents incorrect data entry.
Trial balance and closing list, view by classes, groups, and subgroups of accounts
In Finance >> Reports, it is possible to view the Trial Balance and Closing List by classes, groups, and subgroups of accounts.
Adding items by scanning on entry and exit forms
Activating the RMQuickEntry parameter on R/M entry and exit forms enables a Quick Entry option, allowing items to be added to entry and exit documents by scanning them.
Dependent procurement cost definition
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data, a new option called Dependent Procurement Costs is added. In this section, it is possible to define (add, modify, and delete) dependent procurement costs.
Posting invoices for dependent procurement costs with entry posting
On the goods receipt posting form, adding invoices for dependent procurement costs is enabled. When entering dependent procurement costs upon entry, the cost amount is automatically applied to all document items, and later these invoices are automatically posted in the journal entry.
Main menu search
Searching the main menu in the program is enabled using the F3 key or the option in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Discount calculation on already saved items for defined margin
On the Exit form, a new function allows recalculating discounts for already recorded items. This function enables users to define a margin for a specific item, after which the program recalculates the discount and adjusts it to the defined margin.
Inventory count by warehouse – loading latest sales price
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Calculation >> Inventory Count >> Material Inventory – Warehouse, loading the last sales price of items is enabled, taking into account all documents containing the item.
Blocking posting of unfinished documents
A new function in the program allows prohibiting the posting of documents that are not finalized. The new function is activated through a parameter setting.
Document requirement realization
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Internal >> Transfer, a new option under Actions allows importing items from requisition documents. Previously created requisition documents can now be imported into transfer documents, eliminating the need to re-enter all items, thus saving time.
Calculation import by supplier code
Importing calculations from Excel is now possible by supplier code, in addition to the previous options by item code, name, and EAN.
Credit entry, delete item option
In Finance >> Records >> Credits >> Credit Overview, the Actions option on the credit entry form allows deleting all previously entered repayment plan items. This option enables removing an incorrectly entered repayment plan and entering a new one without re-entering the credit or loan contract with all necessary information.
Credit entry, import from Excel file
In Finance >> Records >> Credits >> New Credit, when entering a new credit (repayment plan), it is possible to import an Excel file with the repayment plan. By selecting Import, the file will be uploaded to the program, significantly speeding up the process if the repayment plan is available in Excel format.
Advanced procurement analysis – Document type: Goods receipt + plan
In Analysis >> Goods/Material >> Advanced Procurement Analysis, a new document type, Goods Receipt + Plan, is added. This document summarizes the relationship between planned and actual receipts of goods and materials in the company, further enhancing procurement tracking and control.
Description – expense accounts
In Finance >> Documents >> Posting Expense Accounts, entering a description for the document is enabled when entering expense accounts.
Waybill, net weight data
In Goods/Material >> Transport and Delivery >> Loading Lists, the Loading List form allows viewing information on the net weight of items in the document.
Report – inflows and outflows by banks and accounts
In Finance >> Reports, a new report titled Bank Account Transactions is added. Based on posted bank statements, the report displays user bank account transactions.
Automatic compensation creation, bulk printing and posting
In Finance >> Reports >> Compensation Proposal, automatic creation, printing, and posting of multiple compensations are enabled. Selecting the desired compensations from the proposed list through the Create All option realizes the selected compensations.
Transport and delivery – creating waybill
In Goods/Material >> Transport and Delivery >> Transport Plan, a Create Loading List option is added. Selecting this option saves the generated transport plan in a document named Loading List.
Cash register, operator and creation date info
In Finance >> Cash Register >> Cash Journal, it is possible to load columns showing the operator who created the order and the date of order creation.
Defining arbitrary discount types and total discount calculation method
A new functionality enables defining custom discount types and calculating the total discount when creating an exit invoice. Multiple discount types can be defined, and the method for calculating the total discount (adding individual discounts or applying a new discount to the price with already applied discounts) can be set. A summary of all applied discounts is displayed on the exit invoice.
Stock redistribution from entry document
Redistribution of goods from an entry document is a new option in the program, allowing users to distribute goods entered with a single entry document to multiple work units. When redistributing, select work units and define the quantity of items to be distributed to each unit. After defining work units and item quantities, the program automatically creates transfer documents. This function can be performed in the R/M document overview (right-click on the entry document, select Distribute to Transfers).
Cash register – period lock
In Finance >> Cash Register >> Period Lock, it is now possible to lock the cash register for a specific period. Locking prevents adding, modifying, or deleting orders for the locked period.
Displaying additional EAN
Displaying additional EANs for items on entry and exit forms is enabled.
Depreciation calculation by depreciation rate
Depreciation calculation is now possible based on the depreciation percentage defined during asset procurement entry. This functionality is intended for users who define an exact depreciation percentage for their assets.
Entry of months when defining asset lifespan
In Settings >> Basic Tables >> Accounting Groups, entering the number of months when defining the useful life of specific assets is now possible, enabling precise definition of the depreciation period.
Goods receipt, linking with supplier order
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Goods Receipt – Entry, linking the goods receipt with the supplier order is enabled through Actions. Linking transfers items from the supplier order document to the goods receipt, simplifying the creation of goods receipts and saving time.
Sales overview, new document types
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Sales Overview, two new document types, Offer and Quote, have been added.
Ordered goods overview, additional view
In the ordered goods overview form, a Review by Item option allows opening an additional review form. The additional form consists of two sections: the upper part shows an item overview, and the lower part shows a customer overview for the given items.
Open items analysis, subscription item view
In Finance >> Reports >> Open Items >> Open Item Analysis, displaying items that are prepaid is enabled.
Ordered goods overview, restrictions
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Ordered Goods Overview, partners under restriction will be marked in red.
Summary delivery note
In Goods/Material >> Document Overview, creating a summary delivery note is enabled through Actions. The summary delivery note consolidates individual delivery notes for a defined period.
Deferred sale installment entry on exit form
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales >> Invoice, the option to enter installments for deferred sales is enabled through Actions. A review of entered installments can be performed in Goods/Material >> Reports >> Deferred Sales Recap.
Expense account entry, note
In Finance >> Documents >> Posting Expense Accounts, adding a note to a document is enabled when entering an expense account.
Expense account entry, payment type
In Finance >> Documents >> Posting Expense Accounts, the selection of payment type (cash, transfer, electronic, credit) is enabled when entering an expense account.
Manual calculation, hour entry for all employees for different work types (holiday, night, overtime)
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, during manual payroll calculation, a new option simplifies the calculation process. Through Actions, a certain number of employees or all employees can be assigned night, overtime, or holiday work hours.
Payroll preparation, data check
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, verification of the correctness of entered data is enabled. Selecting Check Data on the payroll preparation form prompts the program to check the entered data. By marking employees in red and providing a clear problem description, the program warns of inconsistencies after the data check is performed.
Goods receipt, consumables
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Goods Receipt – Entry, entering items that represent consumables is enabled. This option simplifies the entry of incoming invoices, where consumables are recorded as an expense and not shown in the calculation.
Supplier order, quantity conversion
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Supplier Order, quantity conversion of items is enabled during the creation of the supplier order document. Quantities can be converted to units defined in the Conversion segment on the item overview form.
Overview and entry of contracted purchase prices and supplier codes for selected supplier
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data, a new form titled Procurement Prices – Contracted has been added. This option allows viewing and entering items with suppliers and contracted procurement prices.
Creating a single invoice for multiple commission cancellations
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Sales, a new option – Commission – Invoice by Cancellations – is added. With this option, users can create a single invoice for multiple commission cancellations.
Cash register, defining cash specification
In the cash register module, when creating payment or receipt orders, defining the cash specification for any cash order is enabled.
Reverse delivery note, note per item
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Internal >> Reversal – Delivery Note, entering notes per item in the created reversal-delivery note is enabled.
Statement file import, transfer slip file export – Nova Banka
A new functionality allows for importing bank statements and exporting transfer files for Nova Banka AD Podgorica.
Individual payroll calculation printing
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Payroll Overview, the option to print individual payroll calculations for lease agreements, work contracts, and committee member allowances is added.
Employee overview – additional columns
In the employee overview, additional columns with data related to employees (business center, work unit, cost center, cost code) can now be loaded.
Deduction posting from payroll calculation
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Salaries and Allowances, posting of deductions from payroll calculations is enabled. Right-clicking on the payroll for a specific month opens the option for posting deductions.
Inventory list and inventory list for period – “Stock on hand” option
In the inventory list overview and inventory list for a period, an In-Stock Goods option has been added. Selecting this option displays only goods/items currently in stock.
Additional price lists – adding item to all price lists
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Additional Price Lists, through Actions, it is possible to simultaneously add an item to multiple price lists or all price lists, with the option to define the sale price for each price list individually.
Additional price lists – deleting item from all price lists
In Goods/Material >> Basic Data >> Additional Price Lists, through Actions, it is possible to simultaneously delete an item from multiple price lists or all price lists.
Price adjustment upon receiving new prices
External locations receive a list of changed or new prices from the central system, followed by the creation of price adjustments for items in stock.
Goods receipt/Entry – Import items from XML file
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Goods Receipt – Entry, importing items from an XML file is enabled through Actions.
Procurement plan, new R/M document
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Plan, a new document type, Procurement Plan, has been added. Reviewing procurement plans is available in Goods/Material >> Documents >> Plan >> Plan Overview.
Reprinting transfer slip for previously calculated lease, work contract, and committee member fees
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Other Income, individual forms for viewing and calculating other income now allow for reprinting of transfer slips for previously calculated work contracts, lease agreements, and committee member allowances.
Fixed asset details entry, suggesting values for detail types
When viewing fixed asset information, enhancements have been made to simplify and expedite the process of adding details to assets. Selecting a specific detail type will allow the program to suggest detail values for that asset based on previously entered values, which is particularly useful for users with a large number of fixed assets.
Employee overview – additional contract data
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, when reviewing an employee, additional columns with contract data (coefficient, contract type, wage type, salary amount, work location, job position, category, etc.) can be loaded.
Credit correction possibility (repayment plan)
In the credit entry form (repayment plan), it is now possible to display all related finance entries linked to that credit via Actions. By selecting and deleting entries for a specific period, modifying the repayment plan, and re-posting for that period, corrections to the repayment plan can be made without re-entering the entire plan.
New analytics – partner location
Partner Object is a new analytic available in the program that can be assigned to accounts during posting. Since business partners the user collaborates with may have multiple business locations, this analytic allows for their differentiation.
Fixed asset book – business center filter
In the fixed asset book overview, filtering by business centers is enabled.
Price change log
In the log overview, access to performed price change activities is enabled.
Detailed fixed asset record view
In the fixed asset book overview, loading and displaying details defined for fixed assets is enabled.
Work hours record, add work for day option
In Personal Income >> Records >> Work Time Record, adding work for a specific day is enabled through the Add Work for Day button.
Finance – Reports, Foreign Customers and Suppliers
In Finance >> Reports, Foreign Customer and Foreign Supplier reports are separated as individual reports, with printing options available.
Restoring deleted finance entry from log
In the log overview, an option to restore deleted finance entries is added (right-click, Restore Entry).
Copying transfers from document overview
In Goods/Material >> Document Overview, copying a transfer document is enabled.
Packaging inventory – card
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Packaging >> Packaging Inventory, viewing and printing of the packaging card is enabled.
Partner and location overview – assigning a sales representative to a partner
In the partner overview, an Objects option has been added. By selecting Objects, you can review and assign sales representatives by partners and partner locations.
Journal entry – data update option
In Finance >> Documents >> Entry Overview, on the individual journal entry overview form, it is possible to modify the document number, reference number, and item descriptions within the entry.
Commission card for item in commission recap
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Commission Recap, viewing and printing the commission card for an item is enabled.
Advanced invoiced service overview – credit note document
In Services >> Reports >> Advanced Invoiced Services Overview, credit note is added as a document type.
Trade record – document opening
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Trade Records, it is possible to open documents from the trade record overview.
Supplier order loading from Excel
On the Supplier Order Entry form, importing a supplier order from Excel is enabled through Actions.
Supplier order – loading latest purchase price
On the Supplier Order Entry form, loading the last purchase price of items is enabled through Actions.
Fixed asset book – procurement and adjustment accounts
In the fixed asset overview form, loading of the procurement and adjustment accounts for a fixed asset is enabled.
Partner details
In Settings >> Partners, in the individual partner overview, it is now possible to enter details for a specific partner. Details must first be defined, and then assigned a value in the Details segment.
Partner notes
On the individual partner overview form, in the Commercial section, it is possible to add a note related to the specific partner.
Partner overview, additional data
In the individual partner overview form, new segments containing additional partner information have been added.
Negative margin control
When entering goods receipts, a parameter can be set to check for negative margins on items. If a negative margin exists, posting will be prohibited.
Employees, cost code data
In Personal Income >> Records >> Employees, assigning cost codes is now possible. Employee cost code information is passed on during posting, allowing for additional analytics.
Special journal – analysis
In Finance >> Reports, a new option called Special Journal – Analysis has been added. This option enables a detailed review and analysis of all items entered through the special journal during posting.
Advance payment overview, link with other documents
In Finance >> Documents >> Advances >> Advance Overview, reviewing the connection between advances and other documents (linked R/M documents) is enabled.
New folder in DMS
A new folder named Other Solutions and Permits has been added to the DMS.
Activity calendar
A new option has been added to the program for creating tasks. Tasks can be created with various elements, such as task type, time, date, notes, and can be assigned to specific operators.
Change in advanced payroll overview
In Analysis >> Personal Income >> Advanced Payroll Overview, in the contribution review section, a Wages column has been added, showing the type of employee wages.
Posting salaries from payroll overview
In Personal Income >> Payroll >> Payroll Overview, posting of payroll documents is now enabled.
Goods entry, exchange rate loading for selected currency from exchange rate list
In Goods/Material >> Documents >> Receipt >> Goods Receipt – Entry, when entering goods, the exchange rate for the selected foreign currency can be loaded. To load the rate, it must be entered in Finance >> Records >> Exchange Rates for the date to which the goods receipt document pertains.
KUF and KIF generation and storage in DMS
When generating KUF and KIF, saving them in the Document Management System (DMS) is enabled.
Note transfer when creating an invoice from a quote
When creating an invoice from a quote, notes entered during quote creation will be saved and transferred as notes to the resulting invoice.
Salary calculation, contribution specification by work units
When posting payroll, contribution specification by work units is performed in the journal entry. Reviewing the contribution specification and analyzing contributions by work units can be done in Personal Income >> Reports >> Advanced Payroll Overview.
Salary calculation, deduction specification by work units
When posting deductions, a deduction specification by work units is performed in the journal entry. Reviewing the deduction specification and analyzing deductions by work units can be done in Personal Income >> Reports >> Advanced Payroll Overview.
Loading allowances during payroll preparation
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, through Actions, it is possible to load allowances for all employees during manual payroll calculation.
Generating VAT return – modified option
In Finance >> Payroll >> KUF, KIF, and VAT Return, an option to generate an amended VAT return in XML format is available when generating the VAT return.
Changes in advanced payroll overview
In Analysis >> Personal Income >> Advanced Payroll Overview, two new segments, Deductions and Contributions, have been added. These segments allow for a detailed review of deductions and contributions.
Payroll preparation, entry overview
In Personal Income >> Records >> Payroll Preparation, a new tab offers the ability to review all entered items.
OK column in finance entry overview
In the finance entry overview, an OK column has been added, indicating whether the entry’s balance is zero. Entries with a non-zero balance are marked in red.
IOS for multiple accounts
In Finance >> Reports >> Open Items >> IOS, viewing and printing of the IOS (Invoice Outstanding Statements) for multiple accounts is enabled.
Starting balance transfer from commission recap
In Goods/Material >> Reports >> Commission Recap, through Actions, it is possible to transfer the commission’s starting balance.
Marking items lacking analytics
Items in a journal entry that lack analytics will be marked in red. In journal entries with a large number of items, this option significantly simplifies finding those that lack analytics.